Amid the Government and Media updates we want to make our current position as an organisation clear. As it stands, we intend to continue operating until instructed otherwise by the UK Government. We recognise that the landscape for customer facing business is changing day on day and we can only make a judgement based on the current recommendations and information. The COVID-19 virus is less likely to survive outside for any significant length of time and with increased hygiene measures and limiting capacity (social distancing) we intend to continue to operate as safely as possible.
Additional Operational Measures we have put in place;
• Updated Refund Policy – Cancel, with full refund at anytime (cancellation must be made before the session starts)
• Reduction of multi-person activity capacity by 50%
• One on one wakeboarding coaching (no groups)
• Outdoor changing options & changing room rotation (Delamere & Liverpool)
• Staff & Customer 2 metre rule
• Increased kit hire cleaning measures (ALL kit with disinfecting solution)
• Additional hourly site cleaning measures (surfaces/handles)
• Hand sanitation prior to any activity (provided at the waters edge)
• Any staff displaying mild symptoms being asked to self-isolate
• Online booking/payment and outdoor check-in facilities
• Card/contactless payments onsite (no cash)
Additional Measure you can take;
• If unwell, please stay at home
• Book online to avoid additional interaction on site
• Use complimentary hand sanitiser and soap around site
• Keep a safe distance from fellow participants and staff
• Bring poncho towels and get changed outside
From a physical and mental health perspective, being in the fresh air is still one of the best places to be during the crisis. The health and wellbeing of our customers and participants is of course, our highest priority and we feel the measures put in place will help protect the spread of COVID-19 on site. We will issue regular updates in response to the ever changing advise from the UK Government. In the meantime we can offer you a chance to get outside and get some exercise.